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Under the overall theme of ‘Pathways to (Urgent) Action’, participants in the 2020 - 2021 Summit Series were taken on a journey through three online hui and one in-person summit (which was shifted online). Click the icons below to see the fully recorded journey!

What are the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs) and why are they so important?
Aotearoa New Zealand signed up to the United Nations’ SDGs framework (of 17 goals) so that we can help tackle the big issues for our planet; climate change and inequality. It’s the UN’s decade of action!
We have until 2030 to achieve the SDGs. So get involved with the third national Aotearoa SDG Summit series, co-hosted by the University of Canterbury and Lincoln University, supported by Ara Institute of Canterbury, Christchurch City Council, Tourism NZ and ChristchurchNZ.
Join the Canterbury community of changemakers young and not-so-young, be inspired and be part of the change!
Under the overall theme of ‘Pathways to (Urgent) Action’, participants in the Summit Series will go on a journey through three online hui events of inspiring talks and useful workshops and one in-person summit (which was shifted online).
The journey starts with exploring how we as individuals and/or organisations understand the global goals, to understanding how we can enable these goals, before delving into how we can collaborate to achieve these goals.
The final in-person Summit event, planned for September 2021 at the University of Canterbury, will explore how such collaborations can enable transformational change.
The series is organised collaboratively by the University of Canterbury and Lincoln University, in partnership with the Christchurch City Council and Ara Institute of Canterbury. It is also supported by Tourism New Zealand, Te Pokai Tara - Universities New Zealand, ChristchurchNZ and New Zealand National Commission for UNESCO.
This series builds on the previous Summits held in Wellington at Victoria University and Auckland at the University of Auckland respectively. The aim of this series is to provide an opportunity to reflect on achievements since the global goals were ratified in 2015 and to utilise these lessons as a key part of the conversations and discussions related to planning and actions designed to enable a more sustainable present and future.
The organisers have worked closely with mana whenua Ngāi Tūāhuriri, Pasifika peoples, local and central government, businesses, educational organisations, NGOs and community groups to develop inclusive events that build understanding and develop actions towards achieving SDGs, locally and nationally.