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Online Hui #1 | See The Change | Thursday 19 November 2020

The first online hui placed a focus on engaging people in the discussion related to the global goals and how they relate to these goals individually.

It provided the opportunity to reflect on why these, and the sustainability they promote, are of crucial importance to us as individuals, no matter our age or origins, who we work for or where we work.

A key part of this online hui was to provide learning opportunities. What are the global goals? Why are these goals important? How were they created and why?

These are important questions, and while many of us are engaged with and know about the global goals, plenty of us living here in Aotearoa also may have limited or no knowledge of these goals. This online hui enabled people to learn about these goals and pose answers to the questions about their importance and relevance.

Through this, it gave participants the opportunity to reflect on how sustainability, and specifically the global goals, relate to them and how they relate to the goals. 

  • Lucy Gray, school student, climate activist, songwriter and organiser of Christchurch's School Strike for Climate

  • Tamāti Cunningham, Ngāi Tahu, student at Cashmere High School; high school student leader, passionate about normalising Ao Māori and the Māori language, and one of Environment Canterbury’s Youth Rōpu's two manawhenua representatives

  • Dr Pedram Pirnia, Special Advisor for Sustainable Development Goals United Nations Association of New Zealand. Advisor Hapai Hapori (Government of New Zealand), Department of Internal Affairs. 

  • Raewyn Jones, Chief Executive, WEL Energy Trust; Co-Chair, Waikato Wellbeing Project; National Advisory Board, Impact Investment.


Parallel Workshop Streams:

Stream A: The Power of Visual Storytelling (Interactive Workshop) - James Bishop, in-person & virtual facilitator/weaver, Koru Consulting Limited

Stream B: SDG101 Introduction to UN Sustainable Development Goals - Dr Allen Hill, Principal Lecturer in Sustainability and Outdoor Education, Programme Leader – Master of Sustainable Practice, Ara Institute of Canterbury


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