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Webinar Three | Reimagining Economic Prosperity | Wednesday 7 December 2022
Guest Speakers

Taiporutu Hauraki (Ngaati Hauaa, Ngaati Werewere)
Ko Maungakawa te Maunga
Ko Topehaehae me Piako ngaa Awa
Ko Rukumoana me Kai-a-te-mata ngaa Marae
Ko Taiporutu Hauraki tooku ingoa. I am the Iwi Projects Manager for Ngaati Hauaa Mahi Trust.
I am inspired by my Tuupuna and to be part of a positive change that strengthens the pathways for the next generation, to transform Rangatahi into Rangatira and continue the vision of our Tuupuna, Wiremu Tamihana.
My work experience in the Dairy sector allows me to practice organisation core compliance, effective business workflow with a focus on leadership and growing our people in and out of the workplace.
Connecting with our Tuupuna daily through karakia allows Ngaati Hauaa Mahi Trust kaimahi to operate in the Taiao space leading with Maatauranga Maaori which is unique to Te Ao Maaori and Kaupapa Maaori.
Positive engagement with Communities gives us the opportunity to change the perception on what it means to be Maori through living the values of "Tika and Pono" and what it means for your Iwi, Hapu and whaanau.
My Aspirations for Ngaati Hauaa is to be "exactly" what our Tupuna envisaged around economic prosperity in this day and age.

Justin Connolly
Justin Connolly is a founding member of the Aotearoa New Zealand hub of WEAll, the Wellbeing Economy Alliance. WEAll is an international collaboration of organisations, alliances, movements and individuals working towards catalysing a shift to a wellbeing economy, one that delivers human, ecological wellbeing.
He will provide a brief overview of WEAll and the various ways that members of this broader movement are working to help reimagine economic prosperity.

Reza Yacobi
Reza Yacobi is founder of XertCoin, a decentralised platform that uses Web3 technologies to help individuals securely record, verify and share their skills with clients and employers. It also offers certificates that are guaranteed by expert communities.
Reza is based in Kirikiriroa. He has a PhD in Finance and a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering and has held academic positions in New Zealand for over 10 years.

Maluseu Monise
Moana, Oceania, Pacific greetings...
Noa'ia Gagaj atakoa!
Maluseu Monise is a Moana native who elongates two immediate bloodlines of the Rotuman (maternal) and Tuvaluan (paternal) peoples.
Maluseu is a Hanujuologist (Rotuman Storyteller) by trade, the cofounder of the Far Queue Podcast, Facilitator, and Space sharer.
He has been MCing local Pacific community, corporate, charity and NGO events for the past 10 years and is the current tuakana for Seed Waikato MC team, which aims at passing the torch to up and coming MC's. Maluseu is excited to bring all his family, his heart, his experiences, his tribe and his vibe to celebrate the SDG Summit Webinar Series 2022.
Fạiåkse'ea e hanisi